Somewhere in time - when you remember
another time - things were deeper, truer, bluer, more connected to a
believable reality. But here we are, with this pitiful excuse for a genuine
moment. We’ve come all this way through time, through epochs, millennia, and
for this to be the current crowning glory of acceptable existence? This is a
dark, but thin comedy. This is a poor replica of the future, an even poorer
byproduct of the past. This is a stretch that should be wiped away, for all
time. And some day, I pray it will be. This is a travesty.
I’d just opened a bottle of red wine. Lest we think it
was a commentary on contemporary happenings in the world, well, you might just
have been misdirected. The wine was a washout, it displayed no redeeming
features. It was foul smelling, sour, rotten flavored and reeked of spray on
tan and mimeograph paper. What were they thinking when they brought this one
out into the open?
It had been days since I’d tasted wine, as a cold
prevented me from imbibing. Standing up, it had been a bottle I snagged back in
2016 and just let it rest in the cellar. It went through a tumultuous historical
period lying there in the darkness. So, I thought it was time. Little did I
know, if it was time, it was of another time. Not any time that I’d like to be
associated with or in. And yet, here we were.
I put it aside and disregarded it. Hoping the next
time I’d have a better experience. And just like that I decided not to pick up
another one, nor just yet. “Just leave it be,” a voice inside said. “This is
not the time. Let it pass.” So, I did.
There are times when one cannot step into the abyss.
Yes, I know it’s there. And every time I open one up, there is the possibility
that it could be paradise or perdition. I’m just not ready for the gamble. Let ‘em
all rest. I’ll come back later.
© written and photographed by Alfonso Cevola limited rights reserved On the Wine Trail in Italy
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