In an amazing turnabout, the European Community has decided to immediately suspend the integration of Italian wine appellations into the PDO (Protected Designations of Origin) system. Last minute negotiations between the EU and Veneto President Luca Zaia have been reported and there appears to have been an 11th hour change. Reports have it that actor and record producer Cordozar Calvin Broadus, a.k.a. Snoop Dogg and President Zaia have formed a promotion company in the Veneto to realign Italian wines to fit a "more youthful and energetic" profile. The designation will immediately known as D.O.G.G. and the first designees, 13 of them, will receive the highly coveted denominations at a ceremony on Asolo on November 31, 2010.
The first wines so designated will be:
Mastino di Scanzano
Pugadebit di Romagna
Baubauesco “Montefido”
Barketto d'Aqui
Fleano da Avellino
Trentino-Alpo Adige
A viral write in campaign has been raging on the Facebook Social Network and tensions have been high.
An unusually calm Zaia made a joint statement with Snoop Dog:
“We will dizzle our best bizzle to get Italian wine wizzle back on shizzle track and in the hizzle hearts of young urbizzle Amerikizzles.”
More details as they break…
"Just chillin' till the next episode"
written by Alfonso Cevola limited rights reserved On the Wine Trail in Italy
Kirk Brewer, Mark Card, Kris Denny, Jack Everitt, Andrea Fassone, Giulio Galli, Hoke Harden, Tammi Sprigg Korbmaker, Gianluca Legrottaglie, Wink Lorch, DLynn Proctor, Adrian Reynolds, Strappo, Steven Earl Warren, Mark Whittier and Chris Zimmerman made invaluable contributions to this report
Kirk Brewer, Mark Card, Kris Denny, Jack Everitt, Andrea Fassone, Giulio Galli, Hoke Harden, Tammi Sprigg Korbmaker, Gianluca Legrottaglie, Wink Lorch, DLynn Proctor, Adrian Reynolds, Strappo, Steven Earl Warren, Mark Whittier and Chris Zimmerman made invaluable contributions to this report