It has been a rough, rough December. In my witnessing of the cycle of this wine business, this reminded me of 1990, right before we went into the first Gulf War. It reminded me of 1987, after the stock market crash of October. Also it was the beginning of an election cycle, always a year for conservative growth and sluggish tendencies.
So this is a bit of an industry wonks view, the state of the state of things. 2008 ain't gonna be pretty. Then again I had no idea 2007 would end this well.

It’ll be interesting to see how the year 2007 will be viewed:
- By Italian suppliers
- By American importers
I'm seeing higher spikes in the sales increases, by dollars, than by cases, though only a by 1 percent. However, the sales in dollars, the money we take to the bank, vs. the actual cases, the actual stuff of wine, there is a disparity and it is growing. so while some of the importers will crow about what a great year it has been (not too bad) I wonder what the actual producers will say when they don't see more money in their coffers.
One of the interesting things about the weak dollar is that distributors sell less and make more. More money in the bank, because of the weak dollar? So why cry?
There is still the problem of those cases....and 2008 looming with an election year combined with inflation (we're seeing it out there in the hinterland) and, oops we're sending our illegal workforce back to where they came from....not too good for the restaurant segment.....
It’ll be a year that I'm sure many will be glad to be viewing from their rear view mirrors, from a financial perspective that is.
Gotta go, tango lessons in 30 minutes.... today's winner gets the bombacha...

Or, make sure the wholesalers make 30%, the retailers make 40%, and it still looks like a bargain to the consumer. Oops again, we’ve been wal-marted. Thank God wine doesn’t yet come from China in vast quantities. Then again, look at shoes. Or better, try to find a pair of shoes that aren’t made in China. Or ties. Better save your old clothes, get your shoes repaired and trek on over to Italy once in a while for replacements. Made in Italy by Bulgarians, Ethiopians or Chinese, now isn’t that better? Especially for those making them?
So what’s the re-solution, Watson?
Bear down, eyes on the road. Keep it simple, put down the machines. Look the customer in the eye (instead of the computer). Make contact, show commitment, dig in, feel their pain. Carry the load, no quick fixes, win hearts. Dance with your partners, speak the truth and never, never give up.

Feliz Año Nuevo!
Photos: Buenos Aires