Passing the 100th post-
About a year ago (Dec 28, 2005) I started this little blog. I remember getting an e-mail from Tracie, something to the effect of, “you poor man, having to go all over the world drinking wine, wah, wah…” that kind of thing. And she told me, while I was at it, to start writing more than once every three months. Then David encouraged me to write, write, and write. My companion then started to write her account of our path as ones who had lost the loves of our lives on her Table for 4 ~ Dinner for 2 site. In exchange for doing her pictures on her site she said she would help me edit mine. Seeing as she is an excellent editor, a great cook and that she fundamentally pulled me through the tunnel of grief, I am glad our paths crossed. And very grateful.
Somewhere around summertime Alder at Vinography linked On the Wine Trail in Italy on his site and traffic started coming. Thanks Alder. Then Tom at Fermentation wrote about this site, calling me something like the “Consiglieri of Italian Wine”. Sweet. Thanks, Tom.
Meanwhile David back in Italy Insight recalled he had called me the “John The Baptist of Italian Wine” and we were off to the races.
Alice at Veritas in Vino has also been an encourager. Freelancing and searching for inspiration as well as trying to make a living, she has made time for me. Merci!
So has Regina at Gastropoda. I remember years ago writing to her about her visit to Pantelleria. She was writing for the NY Times back then. She replied and I’ve been bugging her ever since. Thanks a millione!
Even folks like Michael Bauer and Eric Asimov have been kind enough to reply to my incessant meanderings.
And my other editors, Andrew Barrow , Sarah Caron and Cate O’Malley of the Well Fed Network , who are patient with my technical issues as well as my rants.
Teresa, over at NYCE (news you can eat) , thanks for quoting me and making me sound legible. You’re too much girl!
Of late Andrew Dornenburg and Karen Page have shown that they are love cats. Thanks guys! And David and Iris have been new friends that someday (soon) we’ll have to share a bottle of wine together, even if it’s Moscato.
Lest I forget, there are wine lovers out there, working late nights in small cafĂ©’s and going home and writing about it. Keith over at East Village Wine Geek is the burning the midnight candle. Two other folks who, if they would write a little more (to paraphrase Tracie, you have to start writing more than once a month…;) are Genevelyn, and Tony at Rosenthal with An Overripe World. All of you ARE the future for this business.
Not to forget the guys Marshall McLuhan warned us about. Jay over at Grape Radio and Gary over at Wine Library TV. These guys are looking at this whole wine thing in a kinetic way. And they both happen to be very animated. Jay, I owe you a lunch, and Gary, well, thanks for boundless energy and enthusiasm. If we were ever to bottle a wine with your energy it would give Champagne a run for its money!
So, while I haven’t really said anything new and I have probably forgotten to thank some folks, this will have to suffice for now. I’ll follow with some of my favorite photo’s taken this year, On the Wine Trail. Cheers!
Grazie Tutti e’ Cent’Anni! - Alfonso
Even folks like Michael Bauer and Eric Asimov have been kind enough to reply to my incessant meanderings.
And my other editors, Andrew Barrow , Sarah Caron and Cate O’Malley of the Well Fed Network , who are patient with my technical issues as well as my rants.
Teresa, over at NYCE (news you can eat) , thanks for quoting me and making me sound legible. You’re too much girl!
Of late Andrew Dornenburg and Karen Page have shown that they are love cats. Thanks guys! And David and Iris have been new friends that someday (soon) we’ll have to share a bottle of wine together, even if it’s Moscato.
Lest I forget, there are wine lovers out there, working late nights in small cafĂ©’s and going home and writing about it. Keith over at East Village Wine Geek is the burning the midnight candle. Two other folks who, if they would write a little more (to paraphrase Tracie, you have to start writing more than once a month…;) are Genevelyn, and Tony at Rosenthal with An Overripe World. All of you ARE the future for this business.
Not to forget the guys Marshall McLuhan warned us about. Jay over at Grape Radio and Gary over at Wine Library TV. These guys are looking at this whole wine thing in a kinetic way. And they both happen to be very animated. Jay, I owe you a lunch, and Gary, well, thanks for boundless energy and enthusiasm. If we were ever to bottle a wine with your energy it would give Champagne a run for its money!
So, while I haven’t really said anything new and I have probably forgotten to thank some folks, this will have to suffice for now. I’ll follow with some of my favorite photo’s taken this year, On the Wine Trail. Cheers!
Grazie Tutti e’ Cent’Anni! - Alfonso
The negociant and the winemaker
Alain Vauthier of Ausone
Romano Dal Forno
the pagan garagista - Gravner Breg, steal or borrow
Vin Santeria ( yes, those are red grapes)
Vin Santo
The tongue of a wine merchant