Wine lovers on wine and the vinous life.
In my mind, Darrell Corti embodies that often-quoted motto from Joseph Campbell, “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” He is one of my heroes. We share California as our native state and Italy as our place of ancestral descent. He knows almost more about anything, food, wine and otherwise, than I or many of us will ever be able to comprehend. Underlying all of that is a kindness and an openness that imprint Darrell as incomparable. I cannot tell you how happy this makes me to have him on our series, and in our world.
What wines do you have standing up right now?
Most of the samples that I have received. During the summer, wines with deposit are really not interesting.
What’s the last great wine you drank?
What do you mean by great? Expensive? There are not many really great wines around, but a lot of expensive ones!
Are there any classic wines that you only recently had for the first time?
Again, what do you mean by “classic?” I can imagine what you mean, but perhaps there are not so many “classic” wines around. Classic to me, may not be “classic” to someone else.