
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Uber Ripasso - The Next Big Thing?

Angiolino Maule's Ladder
Ripasso wines get a lot of traction in these parts - one of my blog posts that won’t rest, You say Ripasso and I say Ripassa, now seems so long ago (in the enoblogosphere 6 years is an eternity). When I came across this post, Using Dehydrated Grape Marc Waste to Improve Wine Quality: A More “Natural” Approach? From the up-and-coming- wine blog, The Academic Wino, I was fascinated. Could this be a new way of looking at Ripasso? Read the whole post HERE.

Yeah, say what you will, maybe a post like that seems like watching pain pail off a wall in the Veneto. But for my money, this could be the start of a whole way of thinking about Ripasso in its next incarnation. To quote Spock, "Fascinating."

I wonder what Bepi Quintarelii would think about this? Wherever his energy has been sprinkled into the universe, maybe, just maybe, he is still quietly at work on the next big thing.

wine blog +  Italian wine blog + Italy W